What is LastQUIT?
LastQUIT is a smoking cessation tool, designed to tell you the positive effects of quiting (eg. Time away from cigarettes, Cigarettes not smoked, Money saved, and potential life restored). The application is designed for new quitters, and veteran quitters alike. It can be completely configured to fit every person's individual preferences, and styles. As an added bonus, if there are many people sharing a quit meter on one computer, it will track as many profiles as you have hard drive space. When one user is done using the computer, and another starts using it, it can be easily switched from one profile to another.
Why should I choose LastQUIT?
Allows stats to be written to a text/signature file so that quit statistics can be automatically added to the signature file when sending electronic mail with supported email clients.
The system tray icon now flashes when you've reached a milestone! It also flashes with the "Hourly Chime" feature (if enabled).
Group totals can now be placed into the clipboard to be printed or sent via email, posted to a web page, etc.
When a profile is deleted all milestones, alerts, and journal entries for that profile are also deleted.
Displaying quit smoking statistics can now be shown in an extended format. (example: "1 year 2 months, 3 weeks") instead of "1Y 2M 3W". This option is available for every profile and can be configured seperately so that each user profile has the option of turning on or off this feature.
Import/export feature to enable the profile backup and restore ability. All personal settings can be included or not included at the preference of the user.
Added an option in the advanced tab entitled "minimize to system tray". This option will allow you to quickly (in one step instead of two) hide the taskbar icon, and minimize the application to the system tray. Double clicking the system tray icon also still performs this feature, so there are now two ways to accomplish this; manual, and automatic.
Added a "Visual Milestones" option. You can now see a visual notification message (if enabled) when your milestones occur. This new option can be found in the ADVANCED tab.
LastQUIT calculates time without cigarettes in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds for your convenience.
Hot Pasting is available via a user specified Hot Key. Press the user defined hot key, and your statistics are immediately pasted into the application you're working in.
Tracks an unlimited number of quit profiles (limited only by available hard drive space).
Built in Milestone Reminders to tell you when a goal in your quit has been met.
Customize milestones with "Alerts", adding sound files to your milestone events.
An attractive, intuitive design.
Customize which milestones you would like to be reminded of, and the sound file that should be played to alert you of your goal being met.
Optional "Hourly Chime" for new quitters as a short term goal reminder, for increased self-esteem.
The InfoCenter will tell you what to expect during your quit (mentally, physically, and emotionally), and give you many articles on the effects of cigarette smoking, and the damage they cause. As well as the benefits you can expect from quitting now.
Create your own custom Milestone Reminders to make a point in your quit something special to be remembered. There is no limit to milestones, or custom milestones. Create as many as you'd like.
LastQUIT is the most configurable quit meter available.
Customize your display string to your preference. (I have been quit for ..., etc).
If you have slipped in your quit, your slip time can be deducted from your quit to avoid a quit meter reset, and to show your total quit time. This is to help remind of the positive non-smoking time, and to increase morale.
Keep a journal of your Quit. Each user has their own journal, and you can record up to 30,000 characters per day!
Copy quit statistics quickly to the Clipboard, to paste on the web, email, or to your support group!
Articles can be added to the InfoCenter to keep all Quit Smoking information handy, and in one convenient location.
LastQUIT is Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliant.
LastQUIT automatically handles Leap Years, and daylight savings time.
Use ToolTips to help learn the program faster and easier. ToolTips can be turned on or off for any user, and those settings are profile independant. For example: You do not like ToolTips, but your wife does, now you can both be happy, and set them to your own individidual specifications, without compromising the happiness of the other.
Many InfoCenter articles are included to share knowledge, tips and tricks, and other quit smoking information.
Many Sound (.WAV) files have been added to the meter to be associated with your Milestone Reminders.
LastQUIT v1.2 Feature Details
Feature Description |
LastQUIT v1.2 |
Shows Quit Duration (Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hrs, Mins, Secs) |
Yes |
Shows Life Saved (Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hrs, Mins, Secs) |
Yes |
Has milestones and alerts when a user defined date has been met. |
Yes |
Quit duration text can be modified to show only the options the user specifies |
Yes |
Allows stats to be written to a text/signature file so that quit statistics can be automatically added to the signature file when sending electronic mail with supported email clients. |
Yes |
Visual Milestones Feature (Shows a visual alert when a milestone is reached, and keeps track of previous milestones). |
Yes |
Hourly Chime feature (with customizable (.WAV) file) |
Yes |
Chat Capability |
No |
Signature file support |
Yes, starting in Version 1.0. |
Color is changable for quit statistics defined by each individual user. |
Yes |
Has multi-user support. |
Yes |
Has customizable display string ("I have been quit for ...") |
Yes |
Has hot pasting capability via a user defined hot key |
Yes, and each user can specify their own sequence. |
Includes fully documented help files |
Yes |
Has the ability to calculate a slip into the quit duration |
Yes |
Additional quit smoking information included in the release (articles, URL's, etc..) |
Yes |
Has a Journal feature for each individual user profile. |
Yes |
Has a copy statistics to the clipboard feature. |
Yes |
Is Year 2000 compliant (Y2K). |
Yes |
Calculates leap years and daylight savings time. |
Yes |
Tooltips for additional control/program information. |
Yes |
Includes milestone (.WAV) sound files with software. |
Yes, many are included. |
Has milestone empty reminder feature. |
Yes |
Has Advanced mode feature (for experienced users). |
Yes |
Monterary Symbol change (supports international currency symbols). |
Yes |
Simple display string ("I have been quit for ...") script language. |
Yes, similar to HTML with insertable resources. |
Generates realtime quit statistics. |
Yes |
Has automatic milestone generation/creation. |
Yes |
Handles many types of milestones. |
Yes, 3 types. |
User customizable milestones (any/all types available). |
Yes |
Preview Milestone alert sound (.WAV) file. |
Yes, and a stop capability. |
Ability to handle Groups, and group statistics. |
Yes, many group features available. |
Group totals can be placed into the clipboard to be printed or sent via email, posted to a web page, etc. |
Yes |
Group statistics can be shown individually, and/or totalled. |
Yes |
Calculates group total statistics. |
Yes |
Full application context sensitive help. |
Yes |
Icon in system tray (to save desktop/taskbar space). |
Yes |
Attractive, Intuitive user-interface design. |
Yes |
Many profile independant meter customizations. |
Yes |
Ability for meter to accept user URL's and support articles and store them for later reference. |
Yes, via the InfoCenter and the Quit smoking resources. |
Windows®** 7 and Windows 2008 R2 compatible. |
Yes |
Windows®** 2000, 95/98 and
Windows®** NT
Compatible. |
Yes |
Licensing fees: Is Product completely FREE of any charges? |
Yes |
Import/Export feature to allow statistics to be backed up, and restored easily. |
Yes |
Multiple statistics display modes (Normal, and extended modes) |
Yes |
** Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.